
Premier Booking

Plan Ahead, Stress-Free!

Say goodbye to last-minute booking sttress and hello to the ultimate convenience of Premier Booking! Our App let's you reserve your spot up to 12 hours in advance, ensuring you never miss out on your favorite classes.

Why Choose Premier Booking?

01 Plan Ahead: Reserve your spot up to 12 hours in advance and take control of your schedule.

02 User-Friendly Interface: Book your classes seamlessly through the Kinective App.

03 Exclusive Access: Get ahead of the crowd with priority booking.

04 Flexible Cancellations: Change of plans? Cancel or reschedule up to 4 hours before your class.

weight lifting

How It Works:


Download the
Kinective App:

If you haven't already,
download our app for the
best booking experience.


Your Class:

Browse through our wide
selection of classes and
select the one that fits your


Your Spot:

Secure your spot up to 12
hours in advance, right from
your app.

Take control of your schedule today with Premier Booking.
Visit our front desk and sign up now!